This is a ECU of barred wire wrapped around a plank of wood so no one can get in. This is a stereotypical horror setting as barred wire would connote to the audience that you should'nt be in this place and it has been seeled of with barred wire for a reason. So this would create a sence of tension to the viewer and also a aspect of mystery. Barred wire can also be used as a weopon against a victim. I could use this in the opening sequence and present it in a way that would be used as a weapon in the film.
This is a mid-shot of to gravestones. The gravestones have foliage and have began to erode. This will connote to the audience that this is a old gravevard. This is a stereotypical horror setting as this setting will connote that the film may be about ghosts or exorcism's as a graveyard is related to a church. An example of a film used in this setting; 'The exorsist', which used both graveyard and the inside of a church. I could use this setting in my film to create a mysterious effect and i could place my killings in a graveyard.
This is a close up on a church window. Due to the old fashioned stain glassed windows this may connote the the viewer that they do not have many visitors as they have not changed since the 19 century. This causes a sence of mystery for the viewer as they wonder why they havn't changed with the times. This setting can connote that excorcisms may take place as they stereotypically take place in a church. This setting could also be used for a murder scene. For example, the film 'The midnight murderer' kills his victims in a church. I could use this setting in my film if i was doing a ghost themed film.
This is a long shot of a dead tree in a forest. This is a stereotypical horror setting as a forest is a isolated place with no were really to and hard to see someone. This will cause a sence of tension and someone could be being followed which creates dramatic irony. Also as it is isolated there is no were for the person to run so the audience know something is going to happen. So this setting would connote murders and maybe rape. I could use this setting in my film if i was having somebody running away from someone so i could show that they was isolated.